Betrayal and Obsession

Jason watched the vixen swaying sensually to the music in the middle of his best friend's living room. She looked like she belonged in some sultan's harem, wearing one of those diaphanous outfits fixed with bells that tinkled as she curled her hips. Not some sultan's harem, his harem. Her golden brown skin glowed in the light. He finished off his brandy and stepped behind her, placing his hands on her hips. She moved with him for a little while, caught up in the music. He moved his left palm past her hips to cup her bottom causing her to glance back at him. She disengaged her self with a purse of her soft plump lips. "When did you get here Jason?" she asked with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Oh not too long ago. As usual you were too lost in the music to notice much." He chuckled at her small frown, knowing that lately she always made sure to keep a wary eye on him.

"Mhhmm, well have a nice night Jason." She had resumed that fake smile as she hurried over to her boyfriend also his best friend, Michael, before he could reply. He watched her sit on Michael's lap, her arms twining around his neck. Michael had been watching the two of them dance and he shot Jason a smug look. Barely suppressing a growl he turned towards the cute blonde so obviously trying to get his attention with her come hither stare. She would have to do for tonight...


"Do you like Jason?" Adrienne stopped twining her finger around his dirty blond locks and looked into his green eyes. He didn't seem jealous; if anything he seemed confident of her answer.

"Not in the least and I don't really understand why you like him."

"Really? You'd be one of the first girls not to find him attractive." He would know. He and Jason had been best friends and rivals since boyhood. They competed over everything, especially girls. Jason usually won when it came to girls but it didn't really bother him. It wasn't like he had any trouble picking up chicks and they never fought over girls that mattered. Not that any of the girls in his life had mattered before Adrienne.

"Well I don't find jerks attractive" Adrienne pronounced with a sniff. "Well except maybe the jerk whose lap I'm sitting on."

"Oh is that right?" he said as he leaned in for a kiss, which she returned passionately. He had to admit he loved that she never looked twice at Jason. He was happy it seemed to bother Jason. His ego could stand to be brought down a couple of pegs.


Adrienne fixed herself another drink while she tried to will the last party guest to leave with her mind. She had danced a lot tonight and as usual it made her horny. She wished Mike would pull her into the bedroom, guest or no guest. She sighed as she glanced about the room. Only four people were left, Jason among them. He glanced up just as her eyes brushed over him and grinned. It was as if he read her mind and lingered at the party just to annoy her.

She stalked off to the bedroom she shared with Michael. She was on the verge of slamming the door but she didn't want to upset Mike. She did close it though, just in case. Ugh, Jason gave her the creeps. It wasn't always like that. When she first met him, she found him charming, a bit arrogant but then most young handsome men were. And any straight woman with a pulse would find him attractive. He had tall lean muscular body that proved he was a swimmer. His raven black hair and ice blue eyes had earned him the nickname black Irish. At first she found his flirting harmless. He was the type who flirted with any and all women, even grandmothers. But after a few months of dating Mike his attention began to make her feel uncomfortable. Then a couple of months ago he truly crossed the line. He cornered her in a dark hallway, during a friend's party, and tried to kiss her. She pushed him way and told him she loved Mike. His response was a lazy shrug, to which she turned to walk a way. He grabbed her arm then. His intensity frightened her. His grip on her arm and the almost angry look in his eyes made her think he wasn't going to let her leave. The next instant he wore his usual amused look on his face and let her go.

She debated telling Mike about the incident over and over again. But she didn't want to come between him and his best friend. It wasn't like he raped her and he hadn't repeated anything like that since. Oh he continued to blatantly flirt with her but he never again touched her inappropriately. Plus she did a pretty good job of avoiding him in most situations. She didn't understand Jason and Mike's friendship. They constantly tried to out do each other in everything. To outside observers it sometimes seemed they were closer to enemies than friends but they had a deep bond. Mike was a sweetheart but he could be a bit possessive and jealous of her, except when it came to Jason. I guess he trusted Jason. In fact his questions earlier tonight had been the closest he had ever come to being jealous of Jason's open flirting with her.


Jason watched Adrienne's cute little ass as she pouted and stomped off to the bedroom, wishing he could follow her. He wanted her, maybe more than he's ever wanted any girl. She was gorgeous. Her 5'9" frame could have easily graced the pages of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. She was slender but she still had alluring curves. Her long cinnamon brown legs came together in a small round little ass. The few times he "accidentally" brushed against it, it was the perfect mix of plump and firm. Her breasts were on the small side, probably a full B, but they had a great shape and they were perky. Her hair fell to her shoulders in soft black waves that he wanted to run his fingers through whenever he was close to her. This was the first time he didn't get what he wanted easily but Adrienne's seemingly cold shoulder didn't bother him. He was confident in his looks; he just had to break her will. Well he wouldn't have to wait too much longer. He already set his plan into motion. He would have her.


Mike scooted his chair back and looked at the cards on the table disbelieving. He'd screwed up hugely. 50 thousand dollars?! Had he really just lost 50 K to these men, who the more he looked at them the more they reminded him of the mob? He looked over at Jason. He had lost too but no where near the same amount. Jason shrugged his shoulders ruefully. Standing up in his seat he motioned Mike over to the side. "That was a lot of money to lose man".

"Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. I've been winning so often lately I guess I became over confident. I can't believe this." Mike said shaking his head as he glanced back at the table. One of those mob like guys was staring at him, hard.

"Will you ask your father?" He knew he wouldn't but he asked anyway.

"You know that prick won't give me a penny more than my allotted monthly allowance. No I'll have to figure out something else. I have a few things I can sell off. It will take me a few weeks maybe a month but I think I can get together the money".

"Uh Mike take another look at the people we were playing with. You recognize that tall guy in blue with the scar?" Shit. He recognized him now, from the news. These men didn't look like mobsters they were. "These aren't the type of men you give IOUs. Look I'm friends with the tall guy's nephew. I can probably talk them into giving you 2 days maybe 3 to get the money together."

"Shit! There's no way I could get the money together that fast," Mike said as he imagined his legs being broken and worse.

"I could help you out, bro." Jason said it with a smile.


Jason surveyed the scene contentedly. Mike had stumbled into his trap so easily. What possessed him to agree to gamble with the likes of this scum? Well he knew the answer to that. He was the one who suggested these high rollers. But one look at the group and any fool could see that they weren't the type you wanted to lose... or win to. 50 grand, he knew Mike had no chance of covering that on his own. Mike's father was just as rich as his own but he was a complete tight ass. He had some strict notions on responsibility. Until his trust fund matured at the age of 25 he had to rely on his father's monthly allowance. In all honesty it was a pretty generous allowance by any normal college student's standards. But it wasn't enough that he would have 50 grand on hand and Mike certainly wasn't a saver. Why should he be when he had a trust fund worth millions that matured in a couple of years? Jason on the other hand had access to his trust fund and even if he didn't, being an only child his parents had never denied him anything. They would have forked over the money without even a question.

"I could help you out, bro." He hoped hadn't grinned while he said it.

"You'd loan me that much money?" Mike asked beginning to feel relieved.

"I'd give it to you, no loan required. What's 50 grand between brothers?" They sometimes referred to each other as brothers. "Of course I'm going to expect a pretty big favor in return" he chuckled. Mike was too relieved to become apprehensive by the sly look on Jason's face.

"Dude, ask and it yours. You're a real friend for helping me out this way. You want my car don't you?" He sighed Jason had always admired his car. He'd put a lot of work into it but he'd turn it over if he had to.

"I don't want your car. I want your girl, for one full week."

"Funny. Look man if it's the yacht you want I'll loan it to you although, I'm pretty sure I'll have to worry about my father breaking my legs this time. You'd have to wait until his trip to Europe."

"I don't want the yacht. I want Adrienne, for a week and I'm serious." He waited for Michael to react, confident that he had no other choice but accept his offer.

"Are you insane? This is my girlfriend we're talking about not some hooker. Absolutely not!" He sighed. He wasn't in any position to bargain and both he and Jason knew it but there had to be something else Jason wanted. He was fooling himself. Jason had everything money could buy and now he wanted to buy his girlfriend.

"Come on Mike, there has to be another way we can work this out." He sounded desperate.

"Sorry dude those are the terms, take it or leave it. You'll have to make your decision now because those thugs look like they're getting restless and they aren't going to let you leave here without some insurance that they will get their money. As soon as you give me your word I can walk over there and hand them a check." Mike sighed again running his hands through his hair in frustration and Jason knew he caved. Looking at the expression on his face he almost felt guilty for what he was making Mike do. Mike had always been like him when it came to girls. Pretty girls were a dime a dozen. In fact, they had shared girls in the past. But Mike did seem to treat Adrienne differently, a lot different. Well he would he'd get over her and be on to the next chick in no time.

"You do realize that Adrienne is never going to go for this? I know you're God's gift to woman but I don't think she even likes you." It was true. Adrienne appeared to be the one girl immune to the infamous Jason charm.

"We'll handle that," Jason said as a decidedly lecherous grin spread across his face. Mike knew he was going to regret this, hell he already regretted it but what other choice did he have? His spring break was turning into a disaster. How was he going to break this to Adrienne?
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