Molding Amanda's Tummy

My proposal to Amanda was simple: because it would give pleasure to both of us, the two of us should cooperate in a program which would result in a subtle, but real, transformation of her body.

Amanda's body was already very pleasing. Because she has a rather small, compact frame, her body has the enticing charm of a fruit in danger of passing from ripe to overripe. Thus, the appropriate adjective to describe her figure is ''succulent,'' not svelte. In fact, it is only because she is willing to discipline herself that she is able to present the world with a clearly defined waistline above a belly which is firm but more rounded than flat. The discipline involves constant vigilance to both her diet and her posture.

For my tastes, Amanda's body type is more appealing than either the bony, emaciated or the bulky, Amazonian female bodies which dominate our media. Besides its soft femininity, I enjoy knowing that Amanda experiences a small but definite sense of tension deriving from her need to monitor her body lest its attractive roundness lose out to a less than attractive flabbiness, and I have devised various games which allow us to exacerbate and enjoy that tension.

For example, one of our favorite games is to have Amanda stand naked in front of a wall mirror while I, standing close behind her, massage her relaxed tummy with one hand and tease her breasts with the other. Of her own volition, Amanda responds by reaching her arms over her head, which she rests on my shoulder, to place her hands behind my neck. The effect on her body is to stretch it taut so that her abdominal muscles are distinctly palpable through the soft fleshy padding which covers them. After a while, my massaging hand starts to apply more pressure, and what begins as a gentle rubbing evolves into a rather strong kneading of the muscles to which her position has afforded me ready access. At first, Amanda's natural reaction is to protect her tummy by tightening her muscles, thereby letting my fingers dent her soft flesh but preventing them from penetrating into the muscles themselves. However, because it causes the surface of her stomach to bear the full brunt of my probing, she soon abandons her initial tactic in favor of a compromise in which her stomach muscles become malleable without losing their tone. The result is lovely. Namely, my fingers now can penetrate into the lower strata of her muscles, which arrange themselves into flexible sheets which can be prized apart but not deformed.

Of course, I can only surmise what sensations Amanda experiences while I knead. On the one hand, from the sensual way that her body writhes as I probe, I know that the sensations are intense to the point of being painful. On the other hand, her complicity in what we are doing makes me believe that she is deriving real pleasure from the game in which she is a willing participant. Indeed, her writhing represents an acquiescence with rather than an escape from what is happening to her body. To wit, she never attempts to move her tummy out of harm's way but instead seems only to be making sure that all facets of her stomach muscles receive their fair share of attention. In particular, she is always careful that, at some point, she presents me with the most intimate part of her stomach: her belly button. The musculature which surrounds the navel is a thing of beauty. Suddenly, the planar surface of muscle is interrupted to accommodate the dip left by our prenatal past. In order to accomplish this, the muscles form a delicate cup which seems to invite penetration. As anyone who has tested his own navel can vouch, it is not always easy to bear the consequences of this invitation being accepted. Indeed, having a finger delve into ones navel and then explore its environs can be an excruciating experience in which ones whole body becomes involved. Thus, if Amanda were not getting pleasure from my manipulation of her stomach muscles, it is impossible to believe that she would take such care that I include a protracted and thorough manipulation of her navel each time that she presents her belly to me.

Returning to my proposition, what I suggested to Amanda is that we embark on a program which would be specifically devised to enhance the pleasure which we both derive from our time spent exploring and manipulating her tummy. With this in mind, I asked if she would be interested in having us plan an exercise regimen to strengthen her abdominal muscles in a way that would increase our mutual pleasure in them. I had no desire to turn my succulent Amanda into either a stringy clone of Twiggy or a wrestling partner for Tarzan. Instead, my goal was to augment, in a mutually exciting way, the assets which Amanda already possessed.

Her hesitation before accepting my proposal was understandable. She had already experienced the intensity, bordering on pain, of having me work on her tummy, and so it was not immediately clear to her whether she should agree to increase the exposure of her abdomen to my sometimes less than tender mercies. I interpret her eventual acceptance as additional corroboration that our pleasure is indeed mutual. This interpretation is further corroborated by the fact that her acceptance came without coercion and after, rather than before, she learned the details about what I had in mind.

I explained to Amanda that it was my intention to exercise her stomach in a way which would increase its strength but not diminish its roundness. In addition, it was my intention that her abdomen should become more, not less, sensitive to my proddings. More precisely, I wanted the exercises themselves to tire her muscles and leave them sore enough that she would be aware of them even when they were not being prodded or exercised. In short, I made it clear that, by slowly but steadily increasing the demands which we would make on her muscles, I hoped that her abdomen would become, at least for a while, a part of her anatomy which she would find difficult to ignore.

Because we were both aware that it at times would require considerable discipline and some courage for her to accept the rigors to which we would be subjecting her tummy, I thought it important that we figure out ways to mitigate the drudgery of the exercises themselves. In the end, we arrived at two basic plans, each of which would admit sufficient variation to prevent it from becoming dull. The first plan was to introduce a certain amount of ritual into her regimen. With this in mind, we agreed that, upon returning home in the evening, Amanda should pamper her body. She should begin by taking a protracted warm bath in which she could relax from her day at the office and soothe those of her muscles which were suffering residual soreness resulting from the exercises they had been made to do on the previous day. Further, with the help of bath oils during and body lotions and powder following her bath, this should be a time for her to bask in narcissistic reverie of her body. At the same time, I was confident that she would find excitement in the knowledge that soon the oils and powder in which she had lavished her body would be mixed with her own sweat and that the soreness which she had relieved during her bath would be renewed, and sometimes increased, by the exercises in which we would soon force them to engage. Indeed, I knew that she would appreciate the irony of pampering her body in order that it be primed to more fully experience the demands about to be made upon it.

When she had finished with her bath, she was to put her now warm and fragrant naked self into a clean leotard. The leotard was to be made of a soft material which would cling to but not alter her natural shape. Further,the leotard was to be the sort which wraps around the midriff and is held to the body by a couple of cloth stings: one around the waist and the other tied in a bow behind the neck. Finally, the leotard was to be cut so that the pleasing softness of her breasts and roundness of her tummy would be clearly visible. Once she was in her leotard, her only obligation before my arrival was to keep her muscles warm and relaxed in anticipation of what lay ahead for them. During this period, she was free to read, nap, listen to music or do anything else which might suit her fancy. However, I hoped that while she waited for my return, she would occasionally press on or tighten her stomach muscles in order to gauge just how hard it would be for her to bear the resumption of their ordeal, about whose rigor she would by then have no doubt.

I say ''ordeal'' and emphasize her lack of doubt about its rigor because, from the very beginning, I wanted to impress on Amanda that, although I wished her to derive pleasure from her exercise program and have it allied in her mind to our sessions before the mirror, I wanted it to be a pleasure which arose from a distinctly different relationship to both her own body and to me. Namely, while her muscles were being made to work, I wanted her to think, at least metaphorically, of both her body and me as the enemy: her body because it was causing her pain, and me because my role was to make sure that she would continue to endure that pain past the point at which she would have stopped if I were not there. In order to produce this state of mind in her, I insisted that throughout her exercise sessions I, not she, would be in charge of determining exactly how much stress her stomach muscles would be made to absorb. Of course, I allowed, and even encouraged, her to communicate to me what her body was communicating to her. On the other hand, it was understood that, even when her discomfort was extreme, only I who would decide when she would be allowed to desist. When exercising muscles, especially muscles which are already sore, there is a pain threshold past which it is difficult to push oneself. Nonetheless, as Amanda already knew from the time she had spent with my fingers probing her navel, there is a second, higher, threshold past which the sort of pain which we were planning for her undergoes a transformation and becomes a subtle aphrodisiac. Amanda was already well acquainted with this aphrodisiac and both knew and was willing to pay the price for obtaining it.

The second of our strategies for preventing Amanda's exercise program from becoming dull was the establishment of an ultimate goal toward which her efforts would be directed. On the one hand, we wanted to be sure that the goal was realistic. On the other hand, we wanted to be certain that it could not be reached with ease. After some research, we found what we wanted in an advertisement. The advertisement depicted a girl who was literally hanging upside down while performing abdominal curls. The device which kept her suspended was a horizontal bar to which she was attached via a pair of specially constructed, well padded leg braces. Exactly how she could have gotten onto the bar was unclear, but no explanation was required of the purpose for which she had been hung there. Indeed, even though the model in the picture had been carefully selected for the strength of her body, her face clearly reflected the intense strain which she was experiencing. Extrapolating from our own experiences with abdominal curls while lying on the floor, Amanda and I could easily imagine the difficulty of performing them while hanging vertically upside down. In fact, we knew that it would be possible for Amanda to do so only after she had undergone a lengthy and concerted training regimen. Thus, after a brief discussion, we decided that emulation of the model in the advertisement would be the ultimate goal which we set for Amanda.

In order to have the goal be an integral part of Amanda's routine well before it would be attainable, we immediately bought the requisite bar and braces. In addition, I decided that, from the outset, Amanda should do her exercises while attached to the bar. For one thing, I knew that this would help her keep her goal in view. Secondly, it was clear that we could easily invent a variety of quickly achievable but interesting approximations to the ultimate goal which we had set for her. Thus, on the very first day when I arrived home and found Amanda waiting, lovely and fragrant in her leotard, I had to figure out exactly how I was going to get her attached to the bar. Amanda is small, but she is neither sufficiently light nor I sufficiently strong for me to simply hoist her onto the bar by like a trussed chicken. The solution at which I arrived sounds a little crude, but it sufficed. First I attached the bar inside a solid door frame at slightly over Amanda's height. Second, I moved a high backed chair so that its back was directly under the bar. Third, I placed several firm pillows on top of a sturdy footstool, which I then moved so that it was touching the seat of the chair. Finally, I had Amanda climb up onto the precarious perch provided by the back of the chair and the pillows on the footstool. With her hips resting on the chair-back and her shoulder blades on the pillows, I was able to first lift her legs the extra inch or two needed to get the clamps on her braces over the bar and to then lower her body again until her hips returned to the back of the chair.

Once her legs were connected to the bar, Amanda's perch became much more stable. At the same time, it became obvious to her that just to remain in her present position would be trying and could easily be made quite demanding. For example, although her shoulders and hips were supported, nothing in between was. Also, there was nothing under her head, and so she had to either to raise it, so that it would be in the same plane as her shoulders, or let it dangle off the edge of the pillows. Similarly, she was confronted with the analogous problem about what to do with her arms. Realizing that the solution to these problems could provide the initial stage of her training, I told Amanda that, until I said she could let it drop, she was to keep her head up high enough for her to see her belly and that her arms were to be kept snug against her sides.

Although I knew that these instructions would force her to work her stomach muscles, I was not sure exactly where or how hard she would have to work them. In addition, I wanted Amanda to know that I was not her disinterested drill sergeant, but someone whose hope was that her efforts would give us both pleasure. Thus, shortly after I had her assume her pose, I ran my hands over her tummy to determine exactly which muscles were involved and how hard they were working. I was pleased find that it was the muscles in her lower belly which were under the greatest strain. A prominent ridge of tight muscles ran from the lowest point of her pelvis, past her navel, and up to her diaphragm. By pressing against the sides of this ridge, I could make out some of the individual muscle groups which she was using, and I began to massage these both to let her know that I was enjoying their effort and to increase her own awareness them. As my fingers probed and rubbed her muscles, a brave, if somewhat pained, smile appeared on her face. However, after several minutes her smile was replaced by a look of concern, signaling that she was fast approaching the threshold at which, if I were not in command, she would stop. Indeed, in a slightly husky voice, she asked me when I would allow her to rest. Having spent some time considering what criteria to apply in deciding when I would grant her respite, I explained to Amanda that it would be her own muscles, not I, who would determine just how long they would be made to persist and that I would relent only when I could feel that her muscles were on the verge of exhaustion.

As the expression on her face left no doubt, my words offered her no comfort. For this reason, I told her that, although I intended to be rigorous, I promised do my best to recompense her for her travail with as much pleasure as possible. To substantiate this promise, I reached behind her back, undid the string which held the middle panel of her leotard closed, and bared to both of us her already trembling tummy. Even though I, and even more she, already knew that her muscles were hard at work, what we saw when I bared her tummy came as a surprise to both of us. In particular, we had not realized just how prominent the muscles of her abdomen had become. The ridge which I had palpated earlier had become a clearly defined bulge which narrowed as it approached her mons and was widest in the vicinity of her belly button. At the same time, we were both fascinated by the way the trembling of her muscles caused her belly button to change shape as different muscle groups became exhausted. With the hope that it would accentuate this intriguing phenomenon, I commenced a gentle but firm massage, concentrating on the region around her belly button. Obviously, the sensation which my finger now produced was more intense than Amanda had experienced in our sessions before the mirror. For one thing, Amanda's tummy was already under considerable duress, which meant there was essentially no way for her to adjust her muscles to ease their accommodation of my finger. Secondly, as distinguished from our earlier games, in this game she had explicitly relinquished control to me. As I had hoped, in spite their increasing her discomfort, these differences enhanced rather than diminished the intensity with which she responded to what was happening to her body. In fact, for at least five minutes, Amanda closed her eyes and performed a wonderfully sensual horizontal dance in which her hips undulated while, except for its ever increasing trembling, her belly remained fixed with my finger embedded deep in her navel.

However, in the end, her muscles became exhausted and, as my finger, which by then was more than an inch below the rim surrounding her belly button, told me, they could stand no more. As soon as this threshold was reached, I withdrew my finger, went over to the footstool, and cradled her head in my hands. Although her relief was immediate, her chest continued to heave and her sweat continued to flow, and so I knew that it would take some time for her to fully recover. Therefore I readjusted her pillows to accommodate both her head as well as shoulders and went to fetch a towel with which to dry her damp body.

In the short time that it took me to get the towel, Amanda's breathing had returned to normal and her mind had started to drift into that lovely state of lassitude which over-exertion often evokes. As the first step in a plan to make sure she would feel amply rewarded for the travail which she had just born, I carefully removed the remaining string holding her leotard, thereby exposing the rest of her torso to our gaze. I say ''our'' gaze because, in some sense, Amanda was still a little confused about exactly whose body she was looking at. After all, she had relinquished its control to me, and both of us had cooperated in denying it the relief for which it craved. Under the circumstances, it is not surprising that she should look upon her body with a fascination nearly equal to my own. What met our gaze was a striking version of the familiar hills and valleys of Amanda's breasts and abdomen. Its most striking feature was the color of her skin. Namely, its usual pleasing pinkness had transformed and acquired a rather mottled but attractive ruddy hue. This change was most pronounced on her lower belly. However, with decreasing intensity, it extended up all the way to her throat, making her breasts even more enticing than usual and her nipples a richer color than I had ever seen them before. From the look in her eyes, I could tell that she was pleased with the effect, and I know that I was. Thus, it was an enormous, mutually enjoyed relief when I reached for her breasts and began caressing them. As my attention to her breasts continued, Amanda's lassitude was replaced by an increasing excitement, and, after completing the disrobing which I had started, I was able to bring her to a well deserved orgasm. The fact that she was still partially suspended did nothing to diminish the experience for either of us.
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