The Night Visitors

Keely and Phil had never had rich and powerful friends but the friends they did have were warm and generous people who would always share what little they did have. One such friend had a small cabin in a national park in America and being unable through ill health to visit it this year Keely and Phil were given the chance to spend two weeks there. Keely and Phil went to collect the keys a few days before they were due to leave, it was clear that their friend was very disappointed not to be going out to the cabin herself, but she was glad to let Keely and Phil have the benefit of it.

She gave the young couple directions from the airport and some instructions regarding housekeeping issues. Just as Keely and Phil were about to leave the friend added one more piece of information, she told them that the area surrounding the cabin and lake had a reputation amongst the locals for being haunted. But she quickly added seeing the couple's anxiety, that they had nothing to fear, as the ghost was a kindly spirit and any way she had never seen anything in fifteen years she had being going there.

All the way home Keely and Phil discussed this last piece of information. Phil was as ever, sceptical. Keely however was more open-minded and therefore felt a little nervous at the prospect of sharing their holiday with a ghost. Phil did his best to allay her fears reminding Keely that their friend had said that it was a benevolent spirit. Despite Phil's efforts to reassure her, Keely continued to ponder the prospect of encountering a ghost on holiday but she decided to keep her anxieties to herself for fear of ruining the holiday.

Three days later Keely and Phil arrived at the cabin. It was small but very well equipped and sat besides a large lake with dense forest behind. All thoughts of the ghost had disappeared from Keely's mind, nothing bad could transpire in a place as beautiful as this. The cabin itself was directly out of some old western, built from sturdy logs with a stone chimney; on three sides a timber deck surrounded the cabin complete with hammocks and a swing seat. Just to the side of cabin there was further decking housing a hot tub.

As always, when she arrived at any holiday destination, Keely was keen to make love to Phil there and then, she threw her arms around his neck and began to gyrate her hips. Within moments Phil was erect and pushing back against Keely's gyrations.

Keely kissed Phil passionately her tongue probing his mouth forcefully, he responded with equal passion. Both of them felt an overwhelming hunger for sex, quick explosive sex. Their kissing turned to gentle biting, neither wanted to relinquish the kiss so they struggled to undress still joined at the lips. Keely ripped opened the fly buttons on Phil's jeans and pushed them down along with his boxer shorts over his tight little bottom until his cock was standing erect and free.

With equal impatience Phil pulled Keely's skirt up around her waist abandoning their usual lovemaking etiquette, Keely wanted cock inside her now. Phil grasped the thin fabric of Keely's knickers and with one sharp pull ripped them from her body, the tattered fabric falling at her feet.

Keely took Phil's cock in her hand and rubbed the shaft against her pussy, the helmet slipped between her swollen labia fuelling her desire for full penetration. Sensing this growing need and savouring the warm wetness of her fanny Phil turned Keely on the spot and bent her over the back of the sofa. Keely pushed her shapely bottom upwards affording Phil a view of her pink labia, needing no further encouragement Phil slipped the entire length of his cock deep into her, he reached up and grabbed a handful of her hair forcing her back harder onto his cock.

Keely let out a satisfied moan and started sliding back and forth on Phil's erect member. Phil had his hands on Keely's hips guiding her thrusts. Her bottom shuddered with each thrust and Phil found himself unable to resist giving her shapely bottom a slap, a red handprint was left on her buttock. Keely had her hand busy on her clitoris, her pace building with each pelvic thrust. She felt the contractions through her pussy as Phil pumped his load deep into her, this sensation pushing her onto orgasm, her knees buckled as she came and Phil continued to slowly slide his cock in and out of her now cum soaked pussy.

Their passion spent Keely and Phil now enjoyed a simple but hearty supper sitting on the veranda. They chatted the dusk into night until fatigue overcame Keely and she retired to bed. Phil stayed out on the veranda enjoying the absolute peace. He lay back in one of the hammocks and blew streams of blue grey smoke into the warm night air. As he sat there he listened intently to the noises of the night, in the back of his mind he could still hear the voice of his friend warning of the possibility of a ghostly encounter. After twenty minutes of trying to decipher the various noises Phil gave up and put it all down to locals just having a laugh. Perhaps, he thought, that the magical nature of the lake had to be explained and that one way to explain its magic was to attribute it to ghostly possession.

Phil's thoughts returned to this world as he heard Keely turning over in bed. He went into the cabin to get his cigarettes, the door of the bedroom was wide open and there was Keely lying on her side, bedclothes covered only her feet. Moving so that he stood in the open doorway Phil watched as Keely slept. The light from the kitchen softly illuminated Keely's naked form, Phil never tired of seeing Keely's body and as he stood there he thought of the first time he had seen her naked. It was some time ago now that first night they had spent together but the years hadn't affected Phil's recall. Keely was 19 when her and Phil had got together; her body then, reflected her youth. Her body was lithe and torte, her breasts were no more than gentle curves rising from her chest, peaked with pink puffy nipples that demanded attention. Her athletic frame echoed her sporty school career.

Now Keely's body had blossomed into womanhood. Her breasts were now generous symmetrical globes with large nipples the colour of a blushing cheek, her bottom was fuller but still pert and her pubic mound was an inviting plush heaven. Phil rejoiced in this transformation, Keely to him was a sensual powerhouse. Phil was pulled back from his contemplations by Keely shifting position. She was now lying on her back with one knee slightly bent. Her breasts rose and fell with each breath, Phil was mesmerised. As his eyes drifted down her body they stopped to enjoy the sight of Keely's plump pussy her labia slightly parted like the petals of a flower waiting the morning sun before revealing the beauty within.

Phil leaned forward and kissed Keely gently on the forehead stroking her golden hair as he did so. He returned to the veranda and lay down in one of the hammocks. After watching Keely in her naked slumber he was now sporting a healthy erection, he slipped his shorts down to his knees hoping the cool night air might ease the throbbing ache in his cock. Phil closed his eyes and savoured the sensation of the night air cooling his stiff member, he held its thick shaft and squeezed gently, a drop of clear fluid appeared at its tip before rolling down the shaft and over Phil's fingers.

Thoughts and images passed quickly through his mind, Keely undoing her jeans and then pulling down her panties so that Phil might play with her fanny as they sat in the car, Keely toying with a vibrator, rubbing its buzzing tip over her clitoris and then slipping it into her shaven pussy, oblivious to the power such actions conveyed. Phil was now slowly wanking as his thoughts evolved; he focused his mind on one of his favourite fantasies. This was the joy of masturbation, unlimited fantasy, no morality, no prejudice and no boundaries.

Phil had now quickened his hand and his cock released more of its slippery fluid causing the helmet to glisten, he could feel his balls tighten and lift as the fantasy developed. He was now teetering on the brink of orgasm, he held back wanting to conclude his fantasy before spurting hot cum on to his belly .Phil was wanking slowly now as he came, the hot cum dripping down the shaft of his cock and over his fingers. He lay back into the hammock enjoying the warm afterglow of his orgasm. He had a cigarette despite feeling a little light headed before joining Keely in bed.

The next morning they were both woken by strong sunlight streaming into the bedroom. "What time did you come to bed?" enquired Keely,

"About an hour after you" replied Phil.

"What were you doing?" asked Keely, a smile spread across Phil's face,

"You didn't have a wank, did you?"

"I couldn't help it, it must be all this fresh air boosting my libido" admitted Phil.

"Well that's your lot for a couple of days then." said Keely, "otherwise you'll be wasting away."

After their breakfast Keely and Phil decided to do some exploring in the canoe, there was a waterfall a few miles down the lake, a perfect place to find shelter from the midday sun. Phil packed some food, drink and their swimming gear. Once out on the lake the full majesty of their surroundings was revealed, it was a primeval place devoid of mans imprint, the sun shone this day as it had on this landscape for millions of years. Both of them were mute in the presence of such overwhelming splendour and didn't share a syllable until they arrived at the waterfall. It was as promised a cool oasis sheltered from the glare of the unremitting sun, having paddled for some twenty minutes Phil and Keely were glowing with exertion. Phil removed his shoes and socks and paddled in the plunge pool beneath the waterfall. "How is it?" asked Keely,

"Its lovely" sighed Phil.

Keely needed no further encouragement; she started to remove her sandals. "Your swimming costume is in that rucksack," said Phil pointing back to the canoe.

Keely didn't reply but continued to remove her sandals, Phil turned back to look at his feet splashing in the water, after a few moments a pink blur breezed past him and entered the water with a splash. Keely's head appeared from the waters depths; she shook the excess water from her hair and swam over to Phil.

"What happened to your swimming costume?" Phil enquired.

"I wanted to cool down," replied Keely. She turned her back on Phil and swam away; her naked bottom raised to the surface the dappled sunlight providing an intermittent spotlight for its statuesque curves. Keely stood under the waterfall, with the water up to her thighs Phil could see that Keely was naked; she seemed like some neo classical nymph. The falling water fell from her body at her breasts, in the cool water her nipples had hardened, the areola darkened and creased. Still completely clothed Phil swam over to join her; they held each other under the cascading torrents. Phil smoothed his hands over Keely's skin, kissing her shoulder and neck, she removed his shorts and T shirt until she was satisfied that they were skin to skin.

It felt so liberating to be free of their clothes and the two of them found themselves playing in the cool waters like wild animals. Their play had the innocence of children; they had forgotten their nakedness and were just happy to be together. Although their naked bodies would rub together intimately there was no sexual tension just the unbridled joy of sharing this special place.

Phil left the water to grab something to eat; he sat at the waters edge watching Keely move with grace through the water, if he had been an artist the scene would have made a perfect tableau. Keely joined Phil on the bank and they sat eating their lunch, it felt slightly comical to be eating sandwiches with his cock flopping lazily on his belly.

He shared his comic revelation with Keely, who thought for a moment before saying "I don't know it may have its uses" with that she took hold of Phil's flaccid cock and smeared the helmet with dip before putting it in her mouth. Her tongue expertly removed the creamy dip from his now swollen helmet, the coolness of the dip contrasting with the heat of her mouth. Keely rubbed his glistening helmet around her lips, as she did so she drew up her knees and opened her legs, the change in position allowed the lips of her pussy to open slightly and reveal the slippery wetness contained within.

"Would you like to try another dip?" asked Keely suggestively,

Phil moved over to Keely he pushed the palm of his hand hard against her fanny and whispered "as much as I love that dip" he rolled her on to her belly,

"I really fancy some chocolate fudge" he said giving her bottom a gentle slap.

Keely pushed Phil on to his side and then bundled him into the water, laughing she said, "You are a bloody pervert."

Phil nodded enthusiastically. They made there way back to the canoe; Keely had wrapped herself in her sarong and lay spread out before him whilst he did the rowing. He didn't mind; the thin cotton against her damp body rendered the material almost transparent revealing Keely's naked body beneath.

They reached the cabin just as the sun was setting; Phil opened the wine whilst Keely prepared some food. After supper both of them climbed into the hut tub and continued to drink well into the night. Keely had stripped off her top and was laughing loudly as the swirling waters of the hot tub bounced her breasts like duck apples at Halloween. She further amused herself by pulling her panties to one side and sitting over one of the bubble jets, giggling as bubbles tickled past her pussy.

Soon the cool night air forced them indoors not long after a storm broke out, thunder and lightening clashed over the cabin. Phil lit a fire and some candles as they had been warned that the power supply at the cabin was rather fragile and likely to fail in a storm.

The cabin was soon cosy and warm, Keely and Phil lay on the hearth and discussed everything and nothing. Their peace was disturbed by a knock on the door, had this been at home the knock at the door wouldn't have been particularly significant but here in the middle of the wilderness where Keely and Phil hadn't seen another human being since they arrived, the knocking seemed unduly sinister.

As they looked at each other both of them came to the same thought simultaneously, was it the ghost. Phil laughed nervously a ghost would just come through the wall he thought. He stood up and walked over to the door, "what are you doing?" said Keely anxiously.

"It's probably someone lost, don't worry but cover yourself up" replied Phil.

Keely pulled her sarong around her waist and stood behind Phil as he opened the door. Once opened they were both relieved to see that it was no axe murderer or ghost but a young women,

"Can you afford me some shelter from the storm" she asked.

Keely stepped forward and said "Of course come in and sit by the fire."

The young woman moved slowly and cautiously over to the fire where she knelt down. "Can I get you a drink?" asked Phil "We have some brandy somewhere".

The young lady nodded without saying a word, when Phil gave her the brandy she drank it quickly, she accepted another two glasses before uttering another word.

"Are you on your own?" Keely asked,

"No I was with my people but I lost them in the storm" replied the young girl.

Phil was intrigued she spoke with an almost poetic lilt, and she was stunning. She had jet black hair that flowed down her back and ended at the curve of her bottom, her skin was tanned a deep red tan that one only developed from being outdoors for long periods.

It was difficult to attribute an exact age to her she could have been 25 or as young as 18. "Would you like to stay here tonight and we can look for your family tomorrow?" offered Keely,

"Thank you kind lady if it would not inconvenience you I would like to stay" she replied softly.

Phil went off to get some things to make up a bed, Keely followed. The two of them came to the conclusion that this girl must be part of some hippy commune near by; her clothes were typical of modern travellers, just a simple piece of material with a hole in it for her head and tied at the waist with a colourful band. They returned to the living room, the young lady was standing with her back to fire, the cloth that covered her was still wet and clung to every curve of her body, and she was a breathtaking site.

Keely went to bedroom and returned with a t-shirt "put this on your clothes are soaking."

The young girl took the T-shirt and undressed before them. Once naked, the extent of her beauty was revealed, she had an athletic frame with breasts that held their shape and form without the need of a bra, her belly had a small roundness that tapered down to her pussy which was covered with dark pubic hair, her hips had the shape of womanhood and her legs were muscular but slender.

She slipped the t-shirt over her head, it was long enough to just cover her naked bottom but as she turned to pick up her discarded clothes it rode up and afforded Keely and Phil a view of her shapely behind.

"I think I need a brandy," said Phil. He poured three drinks and handed one to Keely and one the young girl.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, before Keely asked the young lady for her name "Star" the young lady disclosed.

Keely introduced Phil and herself and explained that they were on holiday from England. The whole time Star listened with wide-eyed wonder she spoke only when she was asked a direct question.

Keely brought the evening to a close by taking Phil off to bed; they left Star lying on the settee enjoying the warmth of the fire.

Once in the bedroom Keely and Phil discussed their new guest. "She's a bit weird, do you think she is part of some cult or something?" asked Keely,

"I have no idea" replied Phil.

"I know one thing she isn't shy did you see the way the stripped off" said Keely.

"No I was looking the other way" said Phil lying through his teeth.

Keely smacked his backside, "You were looking you lying sod."

They both settled down into bed, outside the storm seemed to be worsening. The wind was now whistling around the house and atmospheric light show seemed to be intensifying.

Keely went into the lounge to make sure Star was ok. She found her curled up in a tight ball on the couch; Keely placed her hand on Star's shoulder and asked if she was ok, when Star lifted her head it was obvious that she had been crying.

Keely took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom, "You can stay with us" she told Star.

Phil was slightly taken aback when Keely led Star in to the bedroom, but he trusted Keely's judgement and besides who was he to complain at having two beautiful women in his bed.

Keely gestured Star to get in bed next to Phil, perhaps prompted by Keely's nudity before Star got into their bed she took her T-shirt off.

Phil was quickly reminded of his own naked state as Star naked leg rested next to his. Whether it was the brandy or fear of the storm Star rolled on to her side and draped her leg across Phil. Phil froze not sure how to react, he looked across to Keely who was smiling as she gently stroked Star's hair.

Phil's main concern was that his unruly cock was instantly transformed into a swollen monster screaming for attention and Star's leg was directly pressed against it. Phil decided his best course of action was to do nothing and hope that Star wouldn't notice his cock and fall asleep.

Keely had now rolled on to her side and was bent around Star like a spoon. This made things even worse for Phil and his rampant cock; it was now pulsing powerfully and releasing a steady stream of pre-cum.

Phil released to do nothing was no longer an option; he reached down and gently stroked Star's thigh. She immediately snuggled closer into Phil and let out some appreciative noises, encouraged Phil let his hand drift up her body until it rested beside her breast.
Sensing his touch Star rolled back slightly affording Phil better access to her naked torso, Phil slid his hand down to her breast and cupped its shape whilst his thumb brushed over her nipple, the nipple swelled at his touch and Star sighed deeply.

Keely well aware even in the relative darkness of what was going on encouraged Phil by resting her hand over his whilst it massaged Star's firm breast. Star was now on her back so that Phil was now able to massage both breasts her lower body was writhing and wriggling calling for attention from Phil's roaming hands.

As if he needed further encouragement Keely directed Phil's hand down to Star's pubic mound, once there Phil allowed his fingers to slip down the between her labia and dip into the moist heat within.

Star spread her legs wider prompting Phil to seek deeper penetration with his fingers, as he did so Keely rewarded his efforts by reaching across Star and playing with his cock.

Keely had always had an acute sense of what got Phil excited and as she collected some of the clear fluid that was dripping from Phil's erect cock she knew exactly what he would want her to do with it.

She took the pre-cum on her fingers and massaged it into Star's erect nipples. The sight of Phil and Star getting intimate was more and more arousing for Keely, as Phil busied himself sucking on Star's pert breasts she felt the need to satisfy her own cravings and slipped her hand down to her throbbing pussy.

As she dipped a finger into herself she was surprised by just how wet she had become, once moist she took her finger and began to rub her clitoris, all the time watching Phil and Star.

Star seemed to be growing in confidence, no longer satisfied to be the passive receiver of Phil's caresses she was now reaching for his cock so that she might feel its length and girth. Her hand looked small wrapped around the swollen shaft, and as she moved it up and down.

Keely shifted position so that she could take its swollen helmet in her mouth. Star followed Keely's lead and soon the two them were sharing Phil's cock.

In response Phil positioned himself so that he could slip his fingers into each of them, whilst enjoying the sight of not only his cock receiving such dedicated attention but also their shapely behinds writhing in response to his touch. Phil was close to orgasm and was relieved when without a word being exchanged between them the two girls changed position.

Keely straddled Phil's face so his mouth could give her pouting sex all the attention she desired. Star was positioned so that she could gently lower herself onto Phil's throbbing member, once she had its entire length inside her she began sliding up and down, very slowly at first but as she became accustomed to its size she moved more rapidly.

They were all moving closer to orgasm and Phil let his hands roam, sometimes holding Keely's buttocks so that he might push her clitoris harder against his tongue other times cupping Star's breasts so that he might enjoy their weight and shape changing with each thrust. Phil felt his orgasm build and explode powerfully through his body, his cock shooting hot cum into Star's pussy.

Star brought herself to a climax rubbing her clitoris as Phil emptied his load deep into her; almost simultaneously Keely came holding Phil's head hard against her clitoris. No one spoke after the orgy they simply slipped off to sleep bathed in the afterglow of sex.

Keely woke first in the morning and found that their guest had taken her leave. The clothes that she had removed the previous night where now nowhere to be found. Keely woke Phil who was as equally perplexed at the young girls disappearance. They both decided that she had woken earlier and had left; there was no more mystery than that. The storm that had delivered their visitor the previous night did not abate and Keely and Phil were confined to the cabin the whole day. Keely took the opportunity to paint something of scenery that surrounded the cabin whilst Phil tried to record something of the majesty of the place in his journal.

Eating supper together that evening neither of them felt satisfied with their efforts. Some places defy capture in prose and fail to communicate their essence in art, they both had to accept that and be glad that they could carry the place with them in their hearts and minds for the rest of time.

As the day drew to a close Phil and Keely discussed their strange visitor the previous night, Phil felt a little guilty that he had been insensitive towards Keely. Keely reassured him that she had enjoyed the experience as much as Phil, and in fact she was responsible for bringing Star into their bed. Phil speculated as to what his reaction might be if the tables had been turned, although it had long been a fantasy of his to see Keely being pleasured by another man he had to admit he wasn't sure that he would enjoy it in reality.

Keely didn't agree she felt that their relationship was built on absolute trust and therefore if any thing happened it would only be sex. The two of them snuggled together in front of the roaring fire, Keely drinking her wine as Phil smoked a joint or two, before long the two of them were comfortably mellow.

The storm continued to rage and by ten the power had given up for good so they resorted to candles to light the cabin. The candles along with the wine Keely had drunk and the hash Phil had smoked combined to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity despite the best efforts of the storm outside.

Both of them were getting ready for bed when there was a knock at the door. It was fair to say that this time neither of them was particularly alarmed at this development, the previous night's antics has left them far to relaxed for that. So it was Keely who went and opened the door this time.

However it was not Star at the door but a young man! He spoke softly requesting shelter from the storm; Keely beckoned him inside with an outstretched arm. Once inside he went to the fireside and warmed himself .After a few moments he spoke again this time to thank his hosts for looking after Star, his sister, the previous night.

Phil went off to the kitchen to fetch some drinks leaving Keely and the young man to talk. When Phil returned he could see from their body language that Keely and this young man where attracted to each other, he sat passively on the couch as the two of them talked.

There was a strong family resemblance between this young man and Star he had the same dark hair and the same slim but muscular frame. He was as scantily dressed as Star with only one piece of cloth draped over his head and tied at the waist. His name was Tor and although he did not give his age it was clear that he was not much older than Star. Phil decided to leave the two of them to talk and got up to go to bed, he insisted that Tor stayed the night and said goodnight.

Keely followed Phil into their bedroom; she gave him a kiss saying goodnight. Phil encouraged her to return to Tor, she seemed unsure of what to do but Phil was adamant adding that he was a very handsome young man and that he found Keely very attractive too. "Go and have some fun" he said pushing her back towards the lounge.

Keely went back to the lounge reassured by Phil's words. It was nice to think that she was still attractive to other men; it was good for her ego.

When she rejoined Tor he was still warming himself by the fire. Keely put her hand on his arm the material of his clothing was still damp, "take this off; I'll get you something of Phil's to wear."

As she left the room the young man turned his back to her and was removing his clothes, Keely could not help stealing a glance; she was not disappointed he had lovely bum tight well defined buttocks curved delightfully into his broad thighs.

Keely grabbed a pair of Phil's boxer shorts and a T-shirt and returned to the lounge, Tor was standing by the fire he held his clothes over his waist to cover his modesty. Keely handed him the dry clothes and turned away, she gave Tor a few moments to change before turning back to face him.

Tor had put on the clothes but Keely had forgotten that her man, Phil, was a very slim young man and Tor had a more muscular frame. As a result the t-shirt fitted where it touched him and the boxer shorts that had a fitted cut revealed that even in its current flaccid state his cock was long and thick.

Keely was filled with a new curiosity, she wanted now to know how that manhood may look once it was fully erect, she speculated that it was probably quite a monster. The two of them sat down again, Tor stared intently at Keely with a smile fixed on his face. Keely felt a little self-conscious and asked him why he was smiling at her. "Because I think you are beautiful" answered Tor, "and I'm wondering if there is any possibility that I might feel your naked body pressed against mine."

Keely was speechless for a moment, "thank you for the compliment and as you have been honest with me I must be honest with you,"

She considered for a moment "it is not in my nature to sleep with just anyone but I find you very attractive and I would love to see you out of those clothes."

Keely was a little taken aback by her own honesty but felt better for saying it. Tor reached across and took Keely's hand; he gently kissed each finger tip. This innocent love play was enough to send little shivers of electricity down Keely's spine. She moved closer to Tor and kissed him, as their lips touched she parted her lips slightly letting his tongue meet hers.

Meanwhile, Phil had not yet fallen asleep and had decided to see how Keely was getting on with Tor. From the darkness of the bedroom he could see both of them illuminated by the fire; he smiled to himself as he saw Keely kissing Tor with passion in her eyes.

Unaware of Phil standing in the doorway of the bedroom watching them, Tor and Keely continued their mutual sensual exploration. Keely had only her sarong to cover her naked body and this was gradually slipping down her ass as she and Tor kissed.

Since her breasts were revealed Tor shifted his attention and let his mouth take in some of each of the shapely globes. He kissed, licked and sucked his way from breast to breast and from nipple to nipple. His touch was strong and assured yet sensitive to the delicate softness of Keely's full pert breasts.

As he lay like a babe in arms at her breast, Keely took the chance to trace her hand down his muscular torso until it rested on the ridge of his penis. Still curled up and restrained by the tight boxer shorts. She rubbed up and down its length several times coaxing it to engorge and grow more and more each time.

The ridge of his helmet was now clearly outlined and from its tip fluid was spilling out wetting the material, Keely rubbed her thumb over this wet patch, even through the material she could feel the radiating heat of his cock. She could wait no longer and as Tor continued to tease her nipples to erection, she pulled the boxer shorts down revealing his cock for the first time.

She took her hand away so as not to obscure her view of his proud erection; it was a stunning specimen that had true beauty unlike many of those she had seen before. Its shaft was straight and the helmet that crowned it was devoid of a foreskin revealing every contour of its form. He had shaved his pubic hair and his balls were tight to his body signalling his state of high arousal.

As Keely took the shaft in her hand she finally had a real sense of its size and girth. Her hand seemed small as she slowly moved it up and down the shaft.

Tor also moved so that he could kiss his way down Keely's abdomen, as he moved closer to her fanny Keely felt powerless to stop her thighs parting. Her pussy was aching, crying out for attention, and as Tor reached for her pussy she held his head hard against her clitoris.

She had her head resting on Tor's thigh with his cock in front of her. As Tor was pleasuring her with his tongue Keely felt compelled to take his cock in her mouth. She held the shaft and rubbed the tip around her mouth smearing her lips with pre cum like a lip balm.

She tried to take his whole helmet in her mouth but had to settle at licking around it while wanking him off with her hand.

After sometime Keely rolled on to her back and pulled Tor up so that he straddled her with his cock resting on her chest. She pushed her ample breasts together engulfing the meaty shaft. His cock, still wet from Keely's attention, slipped up and down her cleavage. His helmet popped out of the top giving her the opportunity to flick it with the tip with her tongue.

During this time Tor was not idle, he had his fingers busy inside Keely; she was very wet allowing him to slip three or four fingers into her at a time.

Phil was still watching the two of them from the bedroom. It was a very erotic scene unfolding before him. He had slipped off his boxer shorts and couldn't resist stroking his cock as he watched.

He had intended to remain out of sight but in an effort to see what Keely was doing with Tor's cock he stepped into the light of the lounge. Keely didn't see him straight away but when she did catch his eye she was glad to see that not only was he smiling but that his cock was as erect as she had ever seen.

She was further reassured by the sight of Phil wanking as he watched. She released her grip on Tor's cock and gestured at Phil to move closer. Phil responded by lying next to her and kissing her neck as she continued to jerk off Tor with her breasts.

Keely felt reassured to have Phil with her as things with Tor became more passionate. She wanted to feel that meaty cock inside her. So she rolled on to her side, now she and Tor were facing each other.

Phil lay behind her mirroring her body shape, he caught sight of Tor's cock for the first time and whispered in Keely's ear "look at the size of that thing, thank god he's not gay."

Keely was a little concerned that she might not be able to accommodate Tor's mighty cock but she was certainly going to try. She reached down and wrapped her hand around the shaft she then rubbed its helmet around the lips of her pussy and over her clitoris. Their combined fluids meant that Tor's cock slipped easily between Keely's labia, its helmet was now poised ready for penetration.

Keely held onto Tor's cock as she guided it into her sopping wet pussy, her labia parted wide as his helmet entered her before closing around it as he continued to enter her. Keely was carefully controlling the depth of penetration at each point, savouring the feeling of fullness his meaty cock provided. She released her grip as the final few centimetres of his lengthy penis entered her.

She wasn't disappointed. Tor's cock felt as it was redefining the shape of her pussy, giving her a sense of fullness and direct contact that she had never felt before. Phil was watching Keely's face as Tor entered her, he could see the wrinkles of anxiety give way to a pleasurable smile that spread across her whole face; he kissed the back of her neck and snuggled in closer to her so that his cock rested between her buttocks.

He could feel Keely thrusting her pelvis back and forth; he could also see Tor's cock sliding in and out of her tight pussy as she fingered her clitoris. Phil's cock was now releasing copious amounts of pre cum allowing it to slide freely through her buttocks. Keely must have sensed Phil's cock sliding through her buttocks as she reached behind her and rubbed the throbbing cock against her bum hole. The slippery tip of Phil's cock began to slide deeper and deeper up Keely's bottom until with little effort his cock was buried up to its base. Keely was now sliding back and forth on both cocks and it was clear that no one could go on for much longer.

Tor began to thrust more rapidly into Keely, she responded by increasing the speed and pressure of her fingers on her clitoris.

Phil did not need to make any movement as Tor increased his speed Keely moved her bottom up and down his shaft more rapidly. Tor came first with a force that pushed Keely onto orgasm. As the waves of her orgasm passed through the muscles in her bum Phil shot his hot sticky load into her.

A long period of silence followed their three-way copulation; Keely lay there trying to take in what had just happened. Phil too was still reeling from the shock of it all, but as he calmed he realised that what had happened, happened because it was meant to happen, no one had been hurt or used, it was karma.

Tor was silent except for his breathing, he was lying prone his cock glistening with a mixture of cum and pussy juice. Phil went to get his cigarettes, when he returned Tor was kissing Keely, not a post-coital kiss but a kiss of foreplay. Phil didn't have the energy to do anything other than watch as the two of them let their passions ignite once again.

Keely was stroking Tor's cock back to life and it was rapidly responding to her attentions, Tor meanwhile was slipping his fingers into Keely, who it is fair to say was very wet through a combination of her own juices and Tor's cum.

Keely was like a frenzied animal, unlike the first time she had no interest in slowly building to a climax, or getting to see Tor's body she just wanted to be fucked. With this foremost in her mind she pushed Tor on his back. Now his erection almost reached his belly button. Keely straddled him.

This time she had her back to him and holding his cock in her hand lowered herself down its length. This position gave Keely a new sense of the dimensions of Tor's cock and she had to lower herself onto it much more slowly. Once the monster was fully inside her Keely began to lift her bottom up and down on it, at this time Tor was busy kneading her buttocks.

Keely seemed unaware of anything other than her own needs, she was building the pace of her pelvic thrusts, her own hands were busy massaging her breasts and at times fingering her clit. Tor was still concentrating his efforts on Keely's bottom; the red marks on her buttocks a testament to the fact that he was unable to resist giving her bottom the odd smack. Keely was now throwing her head back as she felt the first waves of her orgasm spread through the muscles in her fanny, There after the orgasm continued wrecking her muscles again and again once subsided she moved off Tor and sat beside him, taking his cock in her hand she started to wank him off. Tor wasn't long in releasing his load for the second time, though Keely was still surprised by how much he was still ejaculating, the hand gripping his cock was almost lost under the cum.

Phil went off to have a shower, as the water cascaded over his body he felt Keely's hand on his hip. She took the soap from him and proceeded to wash him. Keely took his flaccid cock in her hand and washed it carefully, paying particular attention to area just below it's helmet. Once washed Keely rinsed it off and washed herself, Phil sat down in the shower and watched her as she applied the soap to her breasts, she washed them with indifference, which always surprised Phil, how could anyone treat such delights in such a way. Phil continued to watch as Keely rinsed off her body with the showerhead, the soapsuds slid down her cleavage and off the tips of her nipples. Soon they were both refreshed and revived from the shower, and after giving each other a hug and a kiss they returned to the lounge.

Tor was nowhere to be seen; like Star he had left quietly and stealthily. Keely and Phil were too tired to investigate his disappearance and anyway his going meant there was no post-threesome awkwardness to deal with. They retired to their bed and slept soundly, the storm that had held them in its grasp finally gave up its grip and in the morning they were greeted by the sun streaming through their window.
It is fair to say that over the next few days of their holiday Keely and Phil thought about their night time visitors but they didn't vocalise their feelings. All too soon their holiday had come to end; they set off early on their day of departure and decided to stop on the way for some breakfast.

In the roadside diner they were the only customers and they soon found themselves in conversation with the waitress. She seemed a little surprised when they told her where they had been staying; she couldn't believe anyone would want to holiday in a place that had such a reputation for being haunted. Phil reassured her that they hadn't encountered any ghosts and that their holiday had been the best they'd ever taken.

The waitress was pleased to hear this and added that the tales of two ghostly teenage Native Americans was probably just an old wives tail told to naughty children to stop them wondering off in the forest. Keely nearly choked when she heard what the waitress had said, she asked her to elaborate.

It being very quiet in the diner like so many mornings and waitress enjoyed telling a good story, she told Keely and Phil the story of how the two teenage Navaho had apparently been separated from their family during a storm and that despite the efforts of the Navaho's most skilled trackers they had never been found. She went on to say that local legend had it that from time to time they appear and approach people for shelter from the elements.

The two of them were dumb founded at this revelation; the waitress left them in this state as another customer had just come in. Neither Phil nor Keely could get a grip on how to react to this experience, at the time the whole thing had another world feel to it and now that feeling had been fully endorsed.

Over time their experiences on that holiday became part of their lovemaking fantasy, they would recount the story to each other as part of the foreplay. On one such occasion Phil turned to Keely and said "you know I have only one regret." Keely look puzzled and asked what he regretted, "That we didn't get to have both of them together."
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