A Totally True Threesome. Part 3

My cock was pumping as deep as I could get it into Suzy's pussy, that Joe had just fired his sperm into, which made my turn fucking her the greatest sexual pleasure that I could have with her. Having her after he had fucked her for several minutes, until he came, was always how I wanted it. Sometimes I could barely wait for him to discharge into her, so I could take my turn and enjoy the heat and feel of his sperm on my penis.

It was a beautiful moonlight night and we had taken to continue our threesome every Sunday at the beach. To see a full moon reflecting on the ocean and hear the waves breaking on the rocks gave added pleasure to the enjoyment of sex between us. It had been Suzy's idea originally, to take our sexual fun at a little secluded beach and as Sunday night was movie night at the club there was little chance of anyone stumbling across us as, Joe and I pleasured Suzy and ourselves. Suzy always just slipped a dress over naked body and put a pair of flip flops on, she called this her fucking attire. She would always sit in the back seat of the car, so that Joe could join her there, when we picked him up. This was so she get some action from him, as I drove the 5 minutes to the beach. Most of the time she would get his cock out and straddle it and once we drove out of the village she would pull her dress over her head so that she could crush her naked body against him or let him play with her tits. Once we arrived at the beach she would be almost running to the spot that we normally went to. The urgency and love for his penis left me in no doubts, that his cock satisfied her more than mine could, other than mine would keep her body sexually charged until I spent up her and he replaced me again. We would generally spend about 4 hours taking her at the beach.
The children normally arrived at each of the holidays, which put a stop to the three of us getting together, as obviously we had to spend time with them. On the odd occasion Suzy would have me take the children to the pictures for a few hours and she would take the opportunity to satisfy her lust for his cock in our bed while we were gone. The first time they returned to school after their first trip to the Island, that evening Suzy prepared a meal for the three of us. Suzy, as always came up with the suggestion, that the three of us would be naked as we ate, also telling us that she had a special dessert for us. So the three of us sat at the table eating our main course, consuming a couple of bottles of wine. Needless to say we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves. Suzy would use her feet under the table to play with our cocks, we in turn would use our toes to play at her pussy. I had not had Suzy, since the last time the three of us had been together, as I promised I wouldn't fuck her, until we could resume our threesome, so in fact Joe had fucked her for a few hours on a couple of times during the kids visit.

Our plates were empty and uzy went out to the kitchen to get our surprise dessert. To our surprise she came back with a banana, laid down on the floor, peeled it and slowly slipped it almost out of sight up her pussy, then told us to come and eat it out of her. We didn't hesitate, both of us joined her on the floor and took turns taking a bite at it, trying to work it out of her with our tongues, but of course we allowed our tongues to work for a few seconds on her clitoris, the whole time she was giggling with sexual pleasure. Finally I managed to get the last piece from her now wet pussy.

At this she went back to the kitchen, turned of all the lights, lay down in the same spot and few seconds later told us to take turns at her cunt again and tell her what we found inside her this time. As I had the last piece of banana I could go first, so I slipped my tongue into her and immediately found an MandM, then Joe had his turn and found small piece of apple, next I found a small piece of a chocolate cookie and finally Joe found a life saver. Once we had finished she asked us if we had enjoyed her little game. Joe who normally doesn't come up with anything, other than to fuck, suggested that we take it a step further and have Suzy try to determine what drink we had dipped our cocks in. So Joe and I sent her to the kitchen, while we poured some drinks into six glasses, then called her back.

Joe went first and Suzy took his cock into her mouth, she knew exactly what it was instantly but never said anything, lingering on Joes cock giving him half a blow job. After awhile she told us it was Bacardi. She also lingered on my cock before she said beer. So it went with the other four drinks, she guest correctly each time and by the time she had finished mouthing our cocks we were ready for her, taking her to the bedroom to resume our threesome with her as the star prize for the pair of us and as normal Joe taking her first, so that I could plunge into her hot soaking cunt after he had finished with her. We were back to the lifestyle that we lovingly gave each other. I was so very lucky to have a wife that allowed me to see her being taken by another man, Suzy felt that she was lucky that I let her have a man that could pleasure her beyond her wildest dreams and Joe felt he was so very lucky to be planting his enormous wonderful dick inside such a gorgeous white woman as Suzy.
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