My Journey To Perversion Ch 3

I have no idea about this city so I can’t begin to tell you where we where or where going. Paul asked me “well Linda, are you having fun yet?”

I smiled, and asked, “What do you think Paul.”

He said “I think when you go home to Dan, your pussy, mouth and asshole are going to be very sore and your going to walk bow legged for a week, that’s what I think.”

I smiled and said “Promises, Promises, all talk and no show.”

We both laughed as he pulled into a Denny’s restaurant and parked under a light near the back of the parking lot. He turned off the car, turned to me, and said. “Have you ever been working at night and found that a couple had done it in the bathroom?” I said “You mean sex, oh no, not at our place, why what do you have in your filthy little mind anyway?” Paul flashed me this great big smile and said, “Well my dear, the only way we are leaving here is with you freshly fucked. Now come on, let’s get inside.”

My mind was again racing, how in the world did he expect me to go in here and screw some guy. I don’t know about this place, but in my area very few men come inside the restaurant alone during the dinner hour. In my place it is couples. We walked inside and the place was fairly crowed. Well a lot more crowded than where I work at least. There wasn’t any waiting line and there where a few empty booths. I followed Paul and he led us to an empty booth. Oh I saw the eyes on me all right. I did see a lot of men in there. We ended up at the booth right next to the hallway to the restrooms.

We sat down and waited. I had no idea what to do or what to say. I knew this was something I did want to happen, but this place was way to crowded. Paul had me sit facing the hallway and my back was to the rest of the restaurant. The server came over and dropped off our menus. Boy if looks could kill, I would be dead. Paul said, “you better eat, I have a feeling this is going to be your only solid food for the night.” I smiled because I knew what he meant. I also did not want to eat anything that would give me gas or make me want to go to the bathroom a lot.
I figured I could eat anytime I wanted, tonight and tomorrow was sex, nasty hot lovely sex. We sat there a long time and I ordered a small salad. Paul kept track of the people going to the restrooms. In addition, he suggested that I give the poor guys a show when they came out and walked back to their seats. I moved right to the side of my seat and opened my legs. Now I am sure you realized that I sat there naked as a jaybird. My bush showed along with the straps and stockings. Anyone walking past us did not have to look hard to see my bush. I finely asked “How? I mean how, do I do it?” Paul smiled and said “I’ll tell you when the next guy is walking to the restroom, when I give you the nod, you get up and walk into the men’s room behind him. Use your head and see what you can do.”

It sounded all so crazy, and so exciting. What if he turns me down, what if another man walks in? Thinking all of this was making my stomach turn. Yet my little pussy was throbbing with desire. I felt as if I was sweating sitting there. I was eating when I saw Paul nod his head and with his eyes he told me to get up. I swear I was shaking to the bone as I stood up. I knew that if I looked the whole restaurant was looking at me and I would just die. I kept my eyes on the man and followed him right into the men’s room. He did not see me behind him at first. When he did see me he said, “Oh I’m sorry, I thought this was the men’s room.” We both looked at the urinal and I said “It is, I’m here for some desert, care to help out a girl in need of some cock?” I know I sounded sluttish, crude and yet in control. Inside I was jelly, I kept waiting for him to yell, or run out or something. Instead he unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock turned and pissed. He did not say a word. I stood there frozen to the spot. I wanted to run out, I just knew that any minute some other guy would come in and catch us.

The man finished peeing and began stroking his dick. He said “If you want this in you, you better help me get it hard, my dinner is getting cold." ” Moved to him, knelt down and took him in my mouth as I did this, I reached for myself. I was wet, not only from what was still oozing out of me from before that Paul did not get out. But from my own desires and being so fucking turned on. I was in a men’s room inside of a Denny’s restaurant sucking a stranger to get him hard to fuck me. Talk about nasty, I was so turned on I would have fucked every man that walked in the door for an hour. I rubbed my swollen clit and worked his cock; he got nice and hard. He said “get up baby I’m ready to fuck you now, bend over the toilet, this big cock is ready.” I did, I got up, and bent over the toilet and doing this exposed my ass to him. He said “baby, I’m going to fuck that asshole, now don’t you scream when I put it in.” I felt him trying to push his dick in my asshole, but I could not relax it enough, I knew that as hard as he was trying it would hurt too much. He ended up sliding into my pussy. I don’t think he knew the difference. I reached down to rub my clit again; I was so fucking close to coming myself as he fucked me he kept telling me what a great ass I had. I felt him swell up and I felt my own climax starting.

I heard the door open and the man fucking me held me tight as he emptied his seed in me. My hand was going as fast as I could to finish my own climax that was just now starting. The guy pulled out and I started to stand up, when he said, “I think this guy wants some of you too, Man she is hot, this bitch can raise a dead man’s cock.” I did not look; I just kept bent over and kept rubbing my clit. I was moaning with pleasure as I heard the first man walk out. I felt like the guy was trying to stick a truck in my ass as his cock started pushing against it to make it's way in. I closed my eyes and rubbed as he brought his big hands up around me to grab my nipples. He worked them; he worked them hard, right to the point of almost hurting. I finished my own climax and was just drifting down as I focused in on the log sawing away at my pussy.

I opened my eyes and looked under me and I saw his pants at his ankles. I saw his skinny black legs and they looked old. I knew that some older black man was fucking me. And he had a wonderful big cock. He picked up his tempo and I felt his huge cock swell even more. I felt it pulse and shoot his sperm into me. It did not take long before he stopped, and backed up. He said “I hope you ain’t sick or something, I ain’t had no pussy in 15 years.” I turned and looked at him. He had to be a good 65 years old, and I got a glimpse of his cock as he was putting it away. This man had a monster on him. I said “No, until today the only man I ever fucked was my husband.” I know it was a lie, but what the heck, why spoil it for this old guy.

I reached for the toilet paper too wipe the gobs of cum running down my inner thighs. Just as I touched the paper my mind said “NO, leave it, Paul will want to touch it and lick it clean” I was alone now and moved to the door. I opened it to see a woman walking to the ladies room. I smiled and she gave me the look. You know which one. I went to the booth and said, “I’m full now, do you want to leave?” Paul looked up at me, smiled and said “Oh no, not yet, you haven’t finished eating your salad.”

I wanted to leave, I did not want to stay there and be watched as the men and woman walked back to the rest rooms. I knew the two men would tell someone, plus the woman still had to come back out. I looked up and quickly around the room. The first guy I fucked was with a woman and he was laughing at something he had said. The old black guy was with another family. He was watching me like a hawk. I felt the stuff sliding to the top of my stockings and I heard air escape from me down there. I sat down and Paul asked, “Did you do both of them?” I said “I sucked the one guy hard and screwed him, then the black guy came in as he was finishing. I don’t think he ever did go to the urinal.” I am all messy and I left it for you to clean me up outside.

Paul gave me a huge smile and said, “Well, why didn’t you say so, lets get out of here, I want desert.” We got up and went to the cashier to pay. She asked us if everything was good. I spoke up and said, “I have to tell you dear, I have never been so full and pleased in my life. You have a wonderful restaurant here. I smiled at both the men sitting just a few feet away from me and I know heard my response. We went out side to the car. Paul being the gentleman he is opened my door, and I sat down. I put my left leg in and by this time he was on his knees heading to my thighs. I raised my right leg and put it on his shoulder. I laid back closed my eyes and relished as he licked my inner thighs and worked his way to my sopping wet cum filled hole. I felt like I was in heaven I felt pleasure, I was full of pleasure. I was being not only eaten and licked by a man in public. On top of that he was licking me clean from just being fucked by tow strangers. This man was the nastiest man I have ever known. My god, where was he when I was single. What kind of wonderful sex life would we have had if we had gotten married instead of to our mates?

I was not thinking climax; I just loved the nastiness of it all. Never wanting this to end The cool night I could feel on my wet legs and I held on to this lovely mans head guiding him where I wanted his mouth to go next. I felt him licking my asshole and I loved it. I guess he tired because he got up and I sat up as he came around the to his door. He said as he got in “No audience this time, oh well the night is young.”

We drove a little more down the road before we pulled off into a big dirt parking lot. There where a lot of cars there and the building was very old sitting near the back of the lot. It had a big sign and it said “ADULTS ONLY; ADULT TOY STORE.” We got out and as we walked up to the door Paul said “Now if I tell you rubber, you use a rubber, if the guy don’t have one, I’ll give it to you. If I don’t say rubber, you can if you want take him bare back.” I was excited, I knew he told me in his mail that people had sex at these places in the dark movie rooms, but I was actually going to see it up close and very personnel. We entered the door. I saw three men standing looking at books and stuff. I looked around and my head was swimming. I felt like a kid in a candy store. I wanted to run up to every thing in there pick it up, look at it, and touch it. I saw magazines with naked woman, naked men, women with dildos’, women being fucked. Women sucking men I saw pictures of men sucking men. Videos covered two big walls; I walked in keeping control of myself not to go crazy in here. Paul seemed to sense my feelings and said, “Come here honey, look at this.” He picked up a magazine with a girl straddling a guy with his dick in her pussy, another man in her asshole and she had her hand wrapped around another guy’s cock that she was sucking. Paul said “I told you honey this place would have exactly what you wanted. Look at those three guys, she is having one hell of a party.”

Now Paul was not saying this to me, he was talking to the store, he was telling these three men in there along with the fat slob behind the counter that he brought me here to feed my sexual desires to watch a girl get gang-banged. Paul was telling these men that I had a very strong interest in Gangbangs. He then said, “Look here honey, look at those rubber cocks.” This time he guided me to the display case in front of the slob. Paul said “I bet you would love to feel that one in you as I did your ass wouldn’t you baby?” I am quick, so I jumped right back. I said, “Oh it may do ok, but nothing would feel better than two or three real ones you know.”

Paul responded with “Oh I know baby, but until we can find the men, your just going to have to use fake one’s.” I said in a very child like wine “but I want real dicks, I am tired of using rubber dicks.” He put his arm around me and said “There, there Linda darling, some day, some day baby.”

By this time the other three men had all moved around near to us. Paul looked at the slob and asked “I don’t’ suppose you have any gang-bang movies in the video booth's do you, my wife here loves to watch them.” He said Oh sure, they are on B-K-M-L-P.” Then Paul said “Do you have any movies of girls sucking strangers?” and he replied with big eyes looking at me, “Those are on A-C-E-G.” I looked him in the eye and asked “Do you have any movies in there that are of a girl fucking and sucking strangers in a video store?” he almost dropped his cigar he said “Nope, but give me a few minutes and I’ll put one on channel D.” Paul handed him a $20.00 dollar bill and the man gave him four rolls of tokens and change. Just before we walked past the curtain the man said, “Remember you have to keep the video machine running at all times, no matter what. Us the video booth in the last isle in the last row to the right.

I could hardly walk I was so excited, everything was black, the walls where painted black. No light at all that I could see. We could hear all the moaning and groaning along with the heavy breathing from all the video machines showing sex movies. My heart was racing my breathing was also fast; It was pitch black in there. I held onto Paul’s arm as we walked in. As my eyes adjusted I realized that the place was full of men. I also realized that the passageways between the booths were very narrow. Every time we came to another person we brushed up against each other as we passed. The second man I pasted grabbed my right breast and gave it a gentle squeeze. The third one rubbed my ass, I kept waiting for one man to reach down under my short skirt, but no one did. By the time we got to the booth that the slob told us about my eyes where adjusted enough to see fairly well. I could see that no booth had any door or curtain. I was a little disappointed about this because all the stories and things Paul had told me, these small rooms had privacy doors, this place didn’t.

We went inside the booth and Paul dropped in a token. My eyes where everywhere but the screen I was looking at the walls; sure enough I saw the holes. We had a built in bench to sit down on and I did, I turned my head to my left and I saw a very big hole nose level. I also saw one in front of me to my left on the sidewall. Oh before I go any further, I should tell you about the room. Now this is not going to be easy, but try and visualize this if you can. You are walking down a narrow hallway, you come to a wall in front of you, you look to your right, and there is another wall. You look to your left and there is a very short very narrow hallway. Maybe it is two feet long. You turn left take two steps and in front of you is another wall, to your left a narrow door way open with no curtain. You take two short steps inside and to your right is a TV screen, to your left is a bench that goes from one wall to the other (maybe 4 feet) and in front of you is another wall.

Ok now I hope you got the picture. I was sitting down on the bench as Paul started the show on the TV he pushed stood there in front of me and the video lit up the room. It made it so bright that I could see very clearly I looked to my right and I saw an eyeball. We where being watched I looked over to my right and I saw two more holes cut into the tiny hallway wall into our booth. I saw eyeballs in both holes. Paul turned and stroked his cock as I opened my legs and began to rub myself. I felt and herd movement to my left and a nice looking cock came through the hole to my left. I did not have to bend, I did not have to stretch, I just opened my mouth and took it in. I heard a loud moan and I leaned my mouth right up to the hole. I pushed my face so far against it that I felt my own lips inside the hole it self. I could feel the pressure from the wall as the strange man was fucking the hole pushing against it trying to come through the wall deeper into my face. I was glad he was not all that long. Oh he was nice and fat, but one of those short ones.

I could hear his belt buckle hitting the wall as he fucked the hole. I felt Paul feeling my pussy raising me up off the bench I kept hearing him drop tokens into the slot to keep our Video machine going. I felt so fucking nasty; I felt myself climbing hard and fast to another wonderful climax. I felt another pair of hands and I realized that another man was in there with Paul and I in our tiny room. I felt hands at my tits and a cock being gently pushed into my asshole. I felt the man I was sucking exploded in my mouth and I gulped his sperm down. It was a reflex it just kept coming and I just kept sucking. He pulled back and so did I, I turned to look at Paul and he was not there. I had two men in there with me all right, but neither of them was Paul. I felt myself being pounded into the wall from behind with the guy fucking my ass. I felt another cock touching the side of my face. I turned and saw another dick wanting to be sucked. This one was long, fat, and black. I moved for it like a hungry calf to its mothers utter. I rested the top of my head against the wall so the cock would not choke me. It wasn’t too much longer before the guy fucking my ass came and some one replaced him.

This went one I think 25 to 30 minutes. I had stopped climaxing and my jaw was getting sore. I had sperm crusted all along my inner thighs. I had to pee and it felt like I needed to do a big job (take a dump). I had not turned around at all to see who was fucking me. I could not see who it was I was sucking, so why look at the guys fucking. I finely turned to call out for Paul and he was standing there watching me. I said to him “I need to pee” he said, “ok, I think you had enough for now anyway.” He said to some guys at the small door way, “that’s it for now boys, the lady needs a break and to pee. She’ll be back later.” The guy in me came and I felt his balls empty his gobs of cum inside my cunt. He pulled back and left. Paul helped me up from kneeling on the bench. My knees where sore, my elbows where sore, my jaw was sore and I swear to god, I wanted to suck another strange man and get fucked again.

Realizing this I knew I had lost it. I was putting my own comfort above my physical comfort. Paul help get me to my feet and with every step I took I heard air and sperm coming from between my legs coming out my cunt and my asshole. Paul took me to a small room with a toilet and no door. The room had a dim light. I sat on the toilet looking into the darkness of the long hallway. I knew that I had many sets of eyes watching me pee and do my big job. I made all kinds of noises and finely went to wide myself. As I reached for the toilet paper I heard a man’s voice say, “please let me” before I could answer, he was down between my legs raising them onto his shoulders and he began licking my clean. He started with my hole, then my lips, and then my inner thighs. He did this a long time until Paul said “that’s enough buddy, come on, get up, let the lady up.” He pulled back and I still had to wipe my asshole. (He wouldn’t lick me there to clean me)

I got up and Paul said “it’s up to you Linda, do you want to stay here awhile and have some more fun, or would you like to go to the club for something different?” I looked at him; I kissed him deep and long. I broke the kiss and said, “Anything you want to do baby is ok with me, I have never had this much fun in my life.” Paul said, “Ok, then to the club it is.”
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