Sex Stories - PAGE 9

Heidi's Anatomy

Since high school, I’ve been bi-curious despite my normal, heterosexual life. I’m married; I have a daughter; I’m an upstanding citizen—a fourth-grade teacher. However, I secretly dream about sexually pleasing chicks. At 28 years old, I’ve never been adventurous. At college, I got drunk a lot. That was the one wild time in my life. One night, at a five-dollar-at-the-door frat party, I ended up chatting up some guy. He rubbed his hand up my thigh and kept refilling my rum and coke as I eyed some slutty girl across the room. She was licking her lips and making eye contact with me. She also flashed her snatch and wore a low-cut shirt that showed off her cleavage. All night, I dreamed about her pressing those erect nipples against me. She had me so hot, the guy ... Read More»

Dahska's Trial

As Dahska stepped in front on the ruling lords her legs trembled with fear. Dahska you have broken our most holy laws, The eldest lord spoke with a mighty boom. How do you justify this transgression Dee? Her father the youngest lord by some 400 years trying to make sense of her betrayal. She is a common whore lords that is all, She must be cast out for us to remain pure. Dahska's best friend and the reason she was in this mess spoke for the tribes. The lords in unison We know the laws we made the laws. But what I wonder is your involvement in all this? The lord of the giants whispered. N N Nothing I have no involvement in this case. Ashley assured him She is the one father not me. Dahska's outburst shocked the tribes who started to mummer ... Read More»

Waiting For It

It was an ordinary day except for the fact that it was only mid-morning and I was aching for a good hard orgasm. My husband had been out of town for a few days and before that had been my time of the month. It had been a good 10 days since we had a nice rousing session where all the right buttons were pushed and an amazing gasping, moaning, climax was ripped from me. As described in my prior stories, my husband and I enjoy our own flavor of a female led marriage (Nothing more gratifying provides the best background, but all of my stories provide different bits and pieces). In simple terms, for us this means that I decide when, where and how we have sex and my husband is rationed a few orgasms a month with the terms dictated by me. As a result, it's far from ... Read More»

Pool Dad

Hey Rach! This is Stacey. So... do you remember a few months back when you emailed me about you hitting it with Amy's dad? Well, I am sure you do! Lol! Your email got me into a lot of trouble! Let me explain... During the summer campus kicks us out of the dorms so I have to stay with my mom. My mom, as you are well aware, is happily divorced, with my mom renting a 2 bedroom apartment. My mom's apartment complex is really made up of 4 different neighboring apartment complexes that have some how all fallen under the same management group, and as such tenants of any of them are welcome to any of the four pools. Most people go to the bigger one by the central office, since it is right by the work out room and people from the office come out and offer free ... Read More»

A Job In The Theatre

Chapter 20 -- Gary becomes Gayla "Be a dear and get that bag from the car," Paula winked. "Sure," Billy said stuffing his erection back inside his leather pants. He stood, and for just a moment, was right next to Gary, almost touching. Gary could feel the heat waffling off of Billy. He looked so obscene with that erection dominating his leather pants. You could see it a mile away. Gary could never go outside looking like that. Billy could care less. Billy looked Gary in the eye, had that crooked little smile of his. Gary couldn't believe what he had just agreed to...willingly. He had just met this guy, didn't even know him. And yet he had basically promised to do all kinds of things he shouldn't do, horribly embarrassing things, ... Read More»

Masturbation in the Woods

I suppose all these stories start off describing who the main character is, so I guess that is where I'll start. This story is about me and a very strange afternoon I had, which I feel like sharing with those who have deviant minds such as myself. I suppose you'll be wanting to know what I look like. I am 19 and I am 5 ft 1, so I am quite small, but I guess you could say I am pretty curvy. That's why I have been going for afternoon jogs lately, I'd like to tone up a bit. So now we have that out the way I will move onto my story. This afternoon I was out for a jog and generally I like to run for about an hour. It was a typical hot Australian afternoon, so I was sweating. I also needed to pee. Badly. Considering I was about half way around my usual circuit and ... Read More»

Pleasure Cruise

The last night of an Alaskan cruise, my friend Chris and I decided to go to the spa at about 12:30. In the spa was a petite older woman and her friend. We began to talk and before I know it, me and this random woman begin fooling around with each other under the water. My buddy and her friend knew what was going so decided to leave us alone. She grabbed my cock and stroked it until I was hard, and then guided me to her tight little pussy. Ill never forget looking at her moaning face and the northern lights in the background. It was a sight I'll never forget. We continued fucking wildly, thinking there wasn't anyone around. Then we heard voices from a distance, and saw there were about 15 people playing ping-pong not far from us. Still we didn't seem to mind. We ... Read More»

I Seduced My Black Next Door Neighbor

I live next door to this really nice black couple; they have a teenage age son that is very, very cute. He is 18 years old and has a slender build, but I find myself fantasizing about him every time I saw him. I can't stop the thoughts from invading my head whenever I see him outside. My husband travels a lot so I have plenty of time alone at night thinking about Gary, and what he would do to me. One morning I hear a knock on the door, I open it up and it is Gary. "Hi Denise, I missed my ride to school and my parents have already left, I hate to ask but could you drive me to school?" As Gary spoke I couldn't help but notice him staring at me, oh god I forgot what I was wearing, I was almost ready to leave for work and was brushing my teeth. ... Read More»

Zante's Violation

Fog rose from the wide river, creeping up and flowing over the containing concrete banks, floating across the city, damply feeling its way into bricks and steel. It became so thick, the illumination from the streetlights quickly became absorbed in a blanketing mist of opaque nothingness. Clammy fingers of haze slithered along sidewalks, crawled up walls and enveloped everything in a moist moment of silence. Space coalesced, sound was muffled and each inanimate object became a world unto itself, isolated in miasmic nightmares. Previously familiar places became unrecognizable. Zante stopped, convinced she could hear something. Suddenly a droning entity of subdued light roared passed. She opened her mouth to shriek, then partially relaxed. It was an ... Read More»

Pleasuring Sandra

Dana and I worked out a plan to get Sandra to join our little intimate group. Sandra was totally different from Dana and I, physically. While Dana and I were of medium height and full-bodied, Sandra was tall and slender. She had a model's body, but more like a Victoria's Secret model. She really had a fantastic body and a beautiful face, framed by lovely dark, flowing, wavy hair that rested in folds on her shoulders. When she moved it was liquid, effortless, athletic, very sexy! I got wet just thinking about inviting Sandra over for a barbecue on the next weekend. Of course, our pool was a further inducement - I just knew she'd wear a fantastically skimpy bikini! No doubt, she had the body for it! She had a body for anything!!! When I called her I was ... Read More»

First time barebacker

I was standing blindfolded in the backyard handcuffed to a tree wearing only a t-shirt and sneakers. Really! I almost couldn’t believe I was waiting to be fucked by a young married guy I had only talked to online. He had fucked me before through a makeshift gloryhole once but never bareback. He told me he wanted to rape me bareback. To walk up behind me, shove his cock up my ass, fuck me until he blows his loand and leave. I was to be handcuffed and blindfolded and just let him rape my ass however he liked with no resistance. The thought of it kept playing on my mind and soon I really wanted it to happen. On morning we saw each other on line and…. Him Hey Me hi Him What’s up? Me Nothing so far. Him You want some? Me Sure what do you want to do? Him ... Read More»


My name's Allison Wagner, well, it's not really, in fact I've used many names in my career as and agent and courier for the CIA!!! This is the second part of my story on how I recovered the plans for an advanced missile guidance system from the safe of a renegade industrialist named Hans Strecker, before he could sell them to the East Germans!!! I flew to Warsaw and made contact with my control agent, Peter Olinsky, who briefed me on our plan of attack, which turned out to be that I find and meet Strecker in an underground sex club in the industrial section of Warsaw!!! I contacted the subject in the club, but unfortunately for me, I was forced to submit to one of Strecker's brutal whippings with a cat o nine tails that left battered and injured!!! Our story ... Read More»

Black Safari for Sophie part 1

During my many exploits on the African continent I witnessed a number of interracial occurrences. Those I can verify but I also heard many stories of pure black lust prior to my setting foot on that continent. Many were inconsequential but others were more intriguing. There is indeed a dark side of mankind that spreads it's tentacles throughout the world and Africa certainly has had it's share. Many countries of this continent have a very prominent history and have given much to the benefit of society. Science, sociological and of course the birthplace of the human species are derived from this marvelous array of lands. We read about this in history books and current writings but we are deprived of some of the inner dark history of the beast called "man." ... Read More»

I love you so much that I would kiss every square inch of your body but one

I had been dating my future wife for around six months when she came up with this statement, I love you so much that I could kiss every square inch of your body except one, I don't kiss A holes. I did not really think that she meant it, but after we had been necking for more than a hour I felt that she was really exited, I sure was, so I whispered in her ear, would you kiss my peni$? She said to me to stand up, I did, with her seated in front of me, she then said unfasten your belt, she then reached up and unbuttoned my pants letting them fall to the floor. She then ran her hands up my legs rubbing by the front of my briefs, when she got to the band on the top, she hooked her fingers over the band pulling down my briefs until they fell to the floor. She ... Read More»

Deep Tissue Massage

The following is a true account of an encounter I had during a recent ski trip. In March of 2010, I decided to join a few friends on a ski trip in Vermont. It was going to be a weekend of skiing and drinking with many of my old friends from high school. However, on my flight out from the west coast, I ended up tweaking my lower back due to the long flight in the "spacious" seating that the airline provided me in coach. Having been an avid skier since a very young age I have to say I am in pretty good shape. That said, I am now in my mid 30s and therefore, I have a tendency to breakdown a little bit easier than I used to. By the time I reached our lodge after the flight and long drive up into the mountains, my back was an absolute disaster. Regardless, I was ... Read More»